Cardiovascular Phenotyping of the Mouse Heart Using a 4D Radial Acquisition and Liposomal Gd-DTPA-BMA
Elizabeth Bucholz, Ketan Ghaghada, Yi Qi, Srinivasan Mukundan, Howard A. Rockman, G. Allan Johnson
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 63(4):979-87, 2010 PMCID: PMC2852272
Magnetic resonance (MR) microscopy has enormous potential for small animal cardiac imaging because it is capable of producing high-resolution images at multiple time points to accurately measure cardiac function. To date, MR has not been used to measure cardiac functional in the small animal because the methods have had limited coverage and spatial resolution, and have required relatively long scan times. Here, we demonstrate a 4D radial acquisition in conjunction with a liposomal blood pool agent to explore functional differences in three populations of mice: 6 C57BL/6J mice, 6 DBA/2J mice, and 6 DBA/2J CSQ+ mice. The mice were the same gestational age and approximately the same weight. Cardiovascular function was determined by measuring both left ventricular and right ventricular end diastolic volume, end systolic volume, stroke volume, and ejection fraction. Statistical significance was observed in end diastolic volume, end systolic volume, and ejection fraction for left ventricular measurements between all three populations of mice. No statistically significant difference was observed in stroke volume in either the left or right ventricle for any of the three populations of mice. This study shows that MR imaging is capable of four-dimensional cardiovascular phenotyping of the mouse with efficient, high throughput.
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This work was performed at the Duke Center for In Vivo Microscopy, an NCRR Biomedical Technology Research Center (P41 RR005959), and NCI Small Animal Imaging Resource (U24 CA092656), with other support from NHLBI R01 HL056687 to HAR). We would like to thank Gary Cofer for his help with coil design, Sally Gewalt, and Dr. Jiayu Song for help with reconstruction, Dr. Laurence Hedlund for advice with animal support and handling, Jeff Brandenburg for his help setting up the website materials, and Sally Zimney for editorial assistance in preparing the manuscript.